Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thoughts on the Letters

Hello all!

I am piggy-backing on Michael's post dealing with the idea of the hand-written letter (in a time when the printing press was coming into being) and the receiving and writing of these letters. When I met with Colleen to do some work on Julia, the letters also came up. I think it is very interesting not only to consider the intimacy of such correspondence, but also the "hands" the letters travel through during the play and what this means. For example, Proteus has a letter from Julia. How did it get there? Furthermore, we know Julia's letter went through at least two, if not three, hands (Speed, Lucetta and, possibly, Valentine) to make it to Julia. Given the intimate nature of the letters, what does this choice to let them pass through so many hands mean in terms of the relationships between the characters?

Just something I've been mulling over.

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