Sunday, February 20, 2011

Exit Lance

In preparing for Monday's rehearsal, I was going over the last section of text I have as Lance and discovered something a little funny.

Lance tells Proteus how he botched the entire dog-delivery plan, and Proteus responds with "Go, get thee hence, and find my dog again,/Or ne'ver return again into my sight."

And we never see Lance again. Does Lance take him at his word and never return, because he can't find Proteus' dog? Or has Lance finally had it, and seeks employment else where?

I'd like to think that Lance ends up back at wherever they are staying, waiting like a good servant for his master to come home. His whole proceeding monologue to this exchange with Proteus is about how he sacrifices himself for his servant, Crab, and it is brilliant that this dialogue follows after, exposing Proteus for the unloving master he is.

1 comment:

  1. I noticed this too! It's so bizarre that this is the last we see of Launce. He just sort of stops being around. But I also think he appears in much the same way--just sort of out of nowhere. I think I might blog post on this...
