Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sylvia and Sebastian

I know that sometimes "thees" and "thous" can be used to convey status rather than how emotionally close two characters are onstage - particularly with the upper class and their servants. I think that when Sylvia meets Sebastian/Julia, however, her switch from "you" and "your" to "thou", "thee", and "thy" is about creating an emotional understanding between the two females in the scene. The only time where her "thee" seems like it is condescending is when she says "I pray thee let me look on that again?" when Julia hands her the wrong letter and then takes it away. Sylvia could be forceful in her order, or she could be so curious about the contents of the letter that she loses her sense of formality. She immediately picks it up however when she says "I will not look upon your master's lines" when she tears the letter - only then she drops it as soon as Julia/Sebastian says that Julia "thanks" her. The thee/thou really are these little windows of discovery into the relationship of the two women. Sylvia jumps from formality, to curiosity, to affection with a page in a span of two minutes. For me, this means that Sylvia is kind, in spite of all her hissing at Proteus, and the accounts of her rudeness to Thurio. Also, where Julia is concerned, she would make a good friend, or sister. It reminds me of "Meet Me In St. Louis" when the Smith girls finally meet Lucille Ballard, the sophisticated bell from New York - where they plan to sabotage her evening, they are suddenly stopped by the fact that she is kind to them.


  1. I love this post Maria, and think that the 2nd person in this play really gives some accurate insight into each moment. Without belaboring it here, I will briefly add that Proteus is overly careful with his addressing of people, especially his best friend Valentine, as he switches between you and thee...

  2. I really have nothing to comment on, other than to say I love how you connected Two Gents to Meet Me in St. Louis. I love that movie!
