As I was working back over my lines from 5.4, I was thinking about the role reversal between the Duke and Valentine. I enjoy the Return of the King-style multiple endings, but I think we need to play up the differences in each section to really highlight it. I think after the Duke and Thurio are brought in, Valentine is essentially threatening them the whole time. I'm not positive how to play that without it somewhat overbearing the scene, but I think it's important to show the change in power to explain the Duke's miraculous reversal of opinion. Especially considering the last time he saw me, I was whipped with a rope ladder.
Along those lines, I think that the tableaus we have come up with for the reversal of power in the Proteus/Valentine relationship are pretty important. I think the most powerful moment for me is when you offer your hand to me after you've punched me. It seems to signify that you had power first, then I took it, then you reasserted your power, but then equalized us with by bringing me back to your level (blocking wise, Proteus is still a total douche). With that in mind, I don't know if the bear hug works there. You know I love going for the joke any time I can, but I think a regular hug would work better for the symbolic power equalization. What d'you think?