Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ok, I am not in a scene that is rehearsing on Monday, but I am the first prompter for Cast B. So I went ahead and created a prompt script out of Professor Davies' pdf of Two Gents so that each individual page takes up a full 8" x 11" so that it is easy to follow along, and we can write notes on the blank side. I've only made one, because Professor Davies and Kelly may prefer us to use something else. If so, I will still keep the script for my own notes throughout the rehearsal process and to help anybody run lines. That doesn't seem very exciting, but it may prove useful. I am very much looking forward to this production.



  1. This is wonderful Maria! I think it would be great for each cast to have a prompt book....even if it's just for our own use as a cast! Would you mind making an extra copy for me to use on Monday? Or can I stop by and borrow it so that I can make a copy? Thank you so much for doing this Maria! You rock!

  2. rock! The prompt book was fabulous yesterday! Would it be possible to steal the last 100pgs from you sometime this week so I can make copies so we have a complete prompt book? Let me know when you are free...I will steal the pgs....copy them...and get them back to you! :)
