Monday, January 17, 2011


Today during rehearsal as prompter I made a list of props needed for Act 1. Cast B...I am not sure you need all of the same props or if there are seperate props you will need. If there are props you need...please add them to this list. If anyone has any of these props and wouldn't mind volunteering them for this production please let us know! Hope everyone had a wonderful 1st rehearsal!! I feel so lucky to be surrounded by such talented people!!


Props Needed:
*Coin Purse (already volunteered by Monica (Thank You!))
*Letters (I was thinking for the letters...since we all write copious amount of paper...if you have any scrap paper left over from editing papers and what not...instead of throwing them away...keep them as we can use them for letters since we will go through a good amount of letters from Julia in Act 1 alone. Thoughts?)


  1. Oh, good thinking, Rachel!

    Using that backpack really helped me in our first rehearsal. I'm hoping that I can have one in that scene for the actual performance as well, so we'll need one of them too. (The one I used in rehearsal was Monica's, but obviously it wouldn't need to be that specific one).

  2. Wait, is that what you meant by "bag"? I didn't think of it as a bag, so I apologize if I completely missed that you've already got Valentine's pack covered.

  3. I actually have an awful lot of foreign money that my dad has given me over the years...I've never really known what to do with it. So I think it will make good props. Also I have a wooden cane. I need it back by the end of the production though because it actually belongs to a KIDS-N-CO. in El Paso, Texas, and I borrowed it from the costume shop when I was working with the children on Willy Wonka.
