Monday, March 14, 2011

Cast B Costumes

So if it is possible I would like to nail down costumes as quickly as possible; since the closer to the end it gets, the crazier things are going to be for all of us. Also as Matt pointed out we should get into rehearsal stuff as quickly as we can.

I'm going to re-watch La Dolce Vita, 8 1/2, and Nine on Wednesday for ideas for the Milan moodscape.

I'd like to have everyone's input and ideas. My hope is that by our next Monday rehearsal we all know exactly what we are wearing and when. And we may need to help each other out for costumes, due to no budget. So if you have an idea that your character would wear something that you don't have go ahead and say your idea anyway. We can as a group figure out if we have something that can work.

Okay, you all know your characters better than me, and you've seen my ideas. Give me feedback, let's help each other out, and lets get this done.

Also, if you have an idea like keeping the entire show in the style of a Fellini film, Iconic Italian filmmaker, or as modern as can be, yell it out.


  1. I think we need to make sure we have a good differentiation between Verona and Milan. Before seeing your drawings, I had been thinking of Valentine appearing in 1.1 in a kind of post-college grad-esque board shorts and collared shirt look as though he was heading for a Europe trip or something. Then in Milan, something more snazzy. That's a technical term.

    So yeah. Loved the drawings. Not really up on my Italian filmmakers.

  2. I'm so glad you knew that snazzy is a technical term. I like your ideas. Would you like a trench coat to use instead of the cloak? Also, do you like the idea of a street gang for outlaws, OTHER OUTLAWS PLEASE JUMP IN HERE ON THIS, and would Valentine then also be in "street" apparel for the final scene. And by that I mean jeans, some kind of dark hoodie and bandanna?
