Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wuzzup Wonder Weasels?!

SO, I was thinking that since I was the one to suggest the masks in the Song/Wooing scene, that I would be the one to head up their creation. I don't want to overload anyone, and Brian is doing a great job with costumes. If it doesn't put a bee in anyone's bonnet, I'm gonna start making the masks this week so we have them for next rehearsal.

Love, with hugs and kisses (especially to Silvia, *wink wink*)


  1. I like it. The first part, at least.

  2. I have three zorro masks from my chorus scene in directing if that helps. So.... yeah I'm like one shy or Thurio could be too vain to wear one since he wants to be seen by Silva.. I don't know. I will get them to you if you like. It is whatever works for everybody.

  3. I am planning on crafting the masks. I went and got the materials for it today. I plan on having Proteus and Thurio in half face masks and the two singers in black dominos. The Proteus mask would be one half a skull and the other half a clown, to show his two faced nature. The Thurio mask would be a multicolored, feathered, extravaganza, complete with googly eyes. That would be to show his foolish foppish nature and how he peacocks when he is around Silvia. I hope you likey.
